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Matthias Weischer Drawing No Title 2007
Matthias Weischer Drawing No Title 2007

ohne Titel 2007

Drawing Framed

  • Charchoal drawing on rag paper
  • Edition: Unique
  • 10.0 x 9.1 in
  • Sold

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Matthias Weischer ohne Titel 2007 Details

Short Description:

Matthias Weischer's drawing from 2007 is in an excellent state. The artwork is framed valuably and has a sheet size of 9 x 10 in without framing. The charcoal drawing on rag paper represents one of Weischer's wonderful landscape studies that were created during his study trip at Villa Massimo in Rome in 2007. At this stage, Weischer turned to nature studies for the first time and took up a new line regarding the choice of subject. Inspired by his teacher David Hockney, this artwork reminds of the artworks of the big master of American Pop Art.



  • Artist: Matthias Weischer
  • Title: ohne Titel
  • Originality: original
  • Type: unique
  • Technique: charcoal drawing on rag paper
  • Paper: rag paper
  • Making: 2007
  • Sheet size: 9 x 10 in
  • State: in very good state, perfect
  • Origin: auction house
  • Format: landscape format
  • Presentation: landscape
  • Era: contemporary art



  • Framing: artwork is offered framed
  • Catalogue Raisonné: Nr. 07/186
  • Shipping: flat in special packaging for art
